Monday, 4 November 2013

Innovative applications.

Hey Unpluggers, what´s up?

We have already covered topics such as what is this technology about, who came up with the idea, what are some benefits and challenges, who offers it… So lets move on! 
It is time to go dig a little bit deeper in wireless power technology and so... we are going to write about its applications! Are you excited? Because I am!

To give you a sneak peak, some possible applications we might write about are:

  • Automatic charging or direct wireless powering of consumer electronics (mobile or stationary devices): phones, laptops, game controllers, flat screen TV’s, digital picture frames, speakers,  mouse, keyboards, printers...
  • Automatic wireless charging for transportation: for hybrid and future all-electric passengers, industrial and commercial vehicles.
  • Direct wireless power interconnections and automatic wireless charging for implantable medical devices and portal tools and machines.
  •  Automatic wireless charging for high tech military systems (battery powered mobile devices, covert sensors, unmanned mobile robots and aircraft).
  • Direct wireless power and communication interconnectionsand wireless charging in an industrial context: across rotating and moving “joints”  such as robots, packaging machinery, assembly machinery, machine tools...; at points of use in harsh environments like while drilling, mining, underwater…

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